Ph: 316-689-4293
or 316-689-4294
Individual Therapy
Individual Therapy may be helpful if you find yourself:
Fixing or pleasing others while not experiencing anyone trying to please or help you.
Having difficulty expressing yourself in healthy ways and are often “too emotional” or “keeping your feelings to yourself” thinking no one else would understand.
Feeling consistently depressed or worried.
Dwelling on mistakes you’ve made, feeling embarrassed or small.
Attracted to and staying in unhealthy relationships too long.
Pushing people away while also wanting close relationships.
Wanting more for your life without a real understanding of what that means.
Feeling lonely, a lack of connection in your relationships.
Making choices that don’t serve you.
Having difficulty motivating yourself.
Not feeling comfortable in your own skin.
Couples Therapy
Couples Therapy may be helpful if you find yourselves:
Feeling unheard and misunderstood.
Lacking a sense of trust and emotional security in your relationship.
Holding onto anger from past relationship injuries.
Wondering what happened to the intimacy you once felt.
Wanting to improve your sexual relationship.
Trying to determine whether your relationship is worth saving.
Struggling over parenting decisions.
Doing okay but want to strengthen your relationship and deepen your connection.
Having difficulty with personal and relationship wants and expectations.
Trauma Therapy/EMDR
Trauma therapy may be helpful if you find yourself
Replaying memories of distressful events.
Feeling fearful and anxious.
Feeling constantly on guard.
Experiencing memory gaps.
Having difficulty thinking straight.
Becoming overwhelmed when things don't make sense.
Hearing a cruel mental voice inside your head.
Frequently angry and you're not sure why.
One form of trauma therapy involves the use of EMDR (Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), a researched and effective method for treating trauma. EMDR was developed by Francine Shapiro and is based on the theory that traumatic experiences and distressing events are often linked to emotional disturbances. EMDR supports the reprocessing of these events, removing the connected distressful emotions and replacing them with neutral or positive emotions.
DBT Therapy
DBT therapy may be helpful if you find yourself
Experiencing overwhelming emotion that interferes with relationship functioning
Having difficulty managing intense emotions.
Needing to find healthier ways of coping with internal upsets.
In frequent arguments with important others.
Uncertain of how your "supposed to feel."
DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) was created by Marsha Linehan. It is a skills-based therapy that focuses on teaching mindfulness skills, distress tolerance skills, interpersonal effectiveness skills, and emotion regulation skills. DBT is particularly effective when engaged in individual therapy and DBT group therapy.
Group Therapy
Information will be added here as groups are developed.
Presenting Issues
Below are a number of experiences and feelings that have benefitted from engaging in therapy. If you experience any of these, or other distressing feelings not found here, please call for an appointment.
Depressed Mood
Frequent Worry
Panic Attacks
Low Self-Worth
Feelings of Guilt
Risky Behaviors
Trauma History
Social Isolation
Little Energy
Relational Distress
Little Interest in Life
Chronic Illness
Work Stress
Sexual Desire Issues
Parenting Concerns
Adult Children Relationships
Life Transitions
Negative Self Talk
History of Abuse
Lack of Healthy Boundaries
Unresolved Anger
History of Childhood Neglect
Lack of Purpose
Mood Swings
Manipulating Behaviors
Witness to Abuse
Difficulty Managing Anger
Self-Harming Behaviors
Lack of Confidence
Distrustful of Others
Feeling Misunderstood
Fear of Rejection
Sense of Dread
Constant Nervousness
Difficulty Relating to Others
Changes in Sex Drive
Difficulty with Daily Coping
Extreme Mood Changes
Confused Thinking
Withdrawal from Life
Feeling Disconnected
Easily Fatigued