Ph: 316-689-4293
or 316-689-4294
Ph: 316-689-4293
or 316-689-4294
We opened Therapy ICT with a purpose --- to provide counseling respectful of the human capacity to thrive. We believe strongly that we all have this potential.
Life will no doubt offer a variety of obstacles: depression, anxiety, low self-worth, relationship issues, insecurity, anger, abuse, emotional reactivity, mood swings, divorce, death, health concerns, aging, grief, social isolation, blending families, poor boundaries, helping to a fault, feeling empty, and the list goes on.
You can count on life bringing you some version of these things. We think you ought to be able to also count on yourself as a resource for dealing with them. It's more than a privilege to assist you in getting there.
We are intentional in that effort. Join us.
Welcome! We opened Arrow Therapy Group with a purpose --- to provide counseling respectful of the human capacity to thrive. We believe strongly that every person has this potential. Certainly life will provide you with emotional, psychological, and relational hardships - you can count on that. We think you can develop the ability and confidence to count on yourself as a resource for dealing with them. It's more than a privilege to assist you in getting there.
We are intentional in that effort. Join us.
© 2019 Arrow Therapy Group. LLC 111 S. Whittier, Wichita, Kansas 67207 316-689-4293 OR 316-689-4294